Wednesday, August 10, 2011

crispy parmesan asparagus sticks.

[Before baking.]

[Finished product - from original recipe.]

I found this recipe on Pinterest and decided I needed to try it. I got some asparagus Monday night on the way home from work and didn't eat all of it and I already had all of the other ingredients, so it was a no brainer. And it worked out well because H stopped and got sushi on his way over and these tasty treats play well with soy sauce. Definitely worth a try if you're looking for a new and super easy side dish. Enjoy!

P.S. H got word that he's starting his internship on Thursday. Exciting stuff.


  1. what internship??

  2. At a commercial real estate firm here in Austin. He's pretty pumped.

  3. Those look yummy. And a big ole congratulations to H! Not that I had any exciting!
